eCast - Help Wanted: Discussions and Strategies on Recruiting, Retaining, and Advocating for Medic..

When:  Jan 25, 2023 from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM (ET)

Medical laboratory professionals are integral to the clinical laboratory, and they are necessary to ensure appropriate patient care is received and optimum donor safety is maintained. Nationally, there is growing interest and discussion on how to recruit, retain, and appropriately advocate for medical laboratory professionals - especially given the current U.S. employment environment. This program will provide perspectives and experiences from leaders at an academic medical center and a national blood center to facilitate discussion on this topic. Ensuring that medical laboratory professionals are provided opportunities for growth and education can aid retention of highly trained staff, as well as enhance workplace satisfaction. In order for appropriate patient care and optimum donor safety to continue to be provided, an adequate workforce of medical laboratory professionals must be maintained and advocacy for future generations of these professionals should be discussed.

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